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 Blurry Pattern
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Posted - 12/14/2021 :  13:28:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
When I upload a picture to make a pattern, the picture looks fine. In the preview window I can only see a portion of the picture and it is so very blurry, you can't make it out. When I finish the pattern and open it in PC Stitch Pro, it still looks quite blurry. When I print it, it prints out okay. How do I fix the preview window and the pattern view to make it so it isn't blurry?

Also, how do I add backstitching to a pattern like the above? I don't see a place to include backstitching when choosing floss.


2870 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2021 :  16:21:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Most of the blurriness is the computer trying to figure out what colors to use. It will ALWAYS be more blurry than the original because the computer sees color differently than you do.

The best imports will have TINY images. What you want is an image the same size (as best as possible) in pixels as your final design is to be. That way you get a mapping of one pixel to one stitch so the color mapping is the simplest possible.

It will still be blurry - you are expected to "tweak" it to make it the pattern you want.

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