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 Merging to background
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Posted - 01/19/2019 :  20:42:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was drawing a tree today. I did a right side of the tree and then copy-pasted it and flipped horizontally. Nice tree, yeah. Then I wanted to copy the whole tree. The program only copy-pasted half of the tree. I closed the program and re-opened my pattern. I tried to delete/copy/place/edit, etc, but the tree did not change. I used 5 different colors for this tree.

I then did a search on the forum and learned that I have to merge it to the background. How can I do that? I checked out every icon, every drop-down menu but could not find this "merging" function. I probably missed it. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Edited by - Vika_CA on 01/19/2019 20:45:19


2870 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2019 :  22:16:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The only time you would need to merge to the background is if you have some sort of "object". In that case, if you click on the object, it will draw a box around the entire thing and allow you to move it around separate from other stitches. If this is the case, right click where you have that "box" and there is an option at the bottom to merge with the background.

Good Luck,

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