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Posted - 06/12/2023 :  17:07:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
HELP!! I am still new at converting pictures into a pattern and I need a little assistance. I have a picture that is 945 x 574. I am wondering if it is best to do it on Aida 14ct (15x12 inches total stitch area) or 18ct (33x18 inches total stitch area). When I import it either makes everything grainy or throws the colors way off no matter how many I select to use. I have tried to "adjust" and "format" the picture but I can admit this is where my capabilities end. lol

I can't seem to wrap my head around the pixels vs inches vs ct of fabric.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2870 Posts

Posted - 06/12/2023 :  20:12:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What you need to do is to decide the size - in stitches - of your finished design no matter what count. The count, although it does affect the "crispness" of an image is not the important factor.

You need to use external software (even as simple as paint or irfanview) to change the size of the image to the width/height in PIXELS that you want the final design to be in stitches!

That gives you one stitch per pixel and that is the best image you can get. If you can't get that 1:1 ratio, you're forcing more or less than 1 stitch per pixel and that will distort the image.

Also, you MUST be prepared to spend HOURS in adjusting the raw image that the computer generates. It is NEVER a final image. It is a first cut and you need to adjust to to fit your needs. It adds no special stitches or even partial stitches to begin with. It also adds no backstitches.

Also, the computer sees color vastly different than you do so the colors may not be what you want. There are also limits in the number of colors available in any color family. I once did a black/white image that ended up using yellows for some of the grays when it ran out of the grays it thought might work.

Above all - have fun. This is not an easy project. The simpler the original picture, the easier it will be and the more accurate. The more detailed, the blurrier will be the final result.

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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