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 Counting back stitches
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28 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2023 :  20:52:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I need the stitch count not inches, Please!! Or would someone help with the math, Please?! For example: 8.29" is how many stitches?
I was thinking if I count 2 backstitches that equals 1 cross stitch, correct?
Thank you in advance!


2867 Posts

Posted - 01/15/2023 :  22:49:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The problem with counting backstitches is there are a variety of ways to do them and they affect the amount of floss used.

Even if they just counted the number of grid-boxes crossed by stitches of each color, it may not be accurate.

Actually, 2 backstitches may be more or less than a cross-stitch. If you do it as a running stitch - up & down until you get to a break and then back up and down to fill in the "downs", it takes less floss. If you do the "standard" way of across one grid, under two and up and then across one, it takes MORE then a standard cross-stitch.

The fact that most backstitches are done with fewer strands of floss than the full stitches affects the amount of floss needed.

I'm not sure there IS an accurate way of counting actual stitches is possible automatically.

When I do any designs, I make my stitches as LONG as possible regardless of how I plan to stitch - you can't see any difference just looking at the pattern. It may be 10 stitches long but any automatic way would count it as one.

You can request it as a new feature in the next version but I'm not sure it's possible.

Just out of curiosity - does ANY cross stitch design product offer this feature?

There is no such thing as a stupid question
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28 Posts

Posted - 01/16/2023 :  07:13:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Diane, This is the only cross stitch program I use. Thank you for the rapid reply!!
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