T O P I C R E V I E W |
marylovestocrochet |
Posted - 03/16/2007 : 09:28:59 Hi, my name is Mary, and I'm new to this board. I use my PC stitch to create patterns to make graph ghans to crochet and was wondering if there are any other users of the PC stitch who uses their's in this way.
I'd love to hear from any of you that do.
And are we allowed to share out patterns on this site.
Look forward to hearing from you all, Mary |
15 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
madriverk |
Posted - 08/01/2014 : 14:35:35 I have been using PCS 10 to make several graphed afghans. and i am having lots of fun doing it. until i found the forum most of my work was trial and error. but i will try several items mentioned to see if it make my work easier.
I also have a dual purpose for this program. My mother cross-stitches and i will be scanning and charting pics for her work. She is the reason our county fair has a class "Cross-stitch picture from a picture" |
Dragonlair |
Posted - 07/31/2014 : 07:54:40 The only way to do that is manually. A PDF in a case like this is simply a file of images and there is no way to automatically convert them to a file. You may be able to use parts as underlays to help you convert but I do not guarantee that, either (especially never having used underlays).
Good Luck.
Diane There is no such thing as a stupid question
cherylpearl |
Posted - 07/31/2014 : 06:10:30 I have PC Stitch 9, I have a graph in PDF format that was created for me, how can I turn it into a file that PC stitch can read so I can add a name to the graph?
Cheryl Martin |
MsCopper |
Posted - 06/22/2014 : 15:35:34 Oh okay...thank you
quote: Originally posted by Dragonlair
There is no written form of the pattern but you can increase the size of the printed graph to make it easier and you can put heavier lines like every 5 or every 10 to make it easier to count that way.
Diane There is no such thing as a stupid question
Dragonlair |
Posted - 06/22/2014 : 15:18:54 There is no written form of the pattern but you can increase the size of the printed graph to make it easier and you can put heavier lines like every 5 or every 10 to make it easier to count that way.
Diane There is no such thing as a stupid question
MsCopper |
Posted - 06/22/2014 : 12:24:51 I've done my research and I think PC Stitch is the product I want to purchase to create crochet graphs however I have one last question that I was not able to find information on.....my eyes are starting to get bad and counting the actual squares it's getting a little hard. Does this product offer a written version of the actual pattern?.... meaning does it give you the number of squares in each color in a written type of format so that I could read how many numbers of one color then the change to another color or is it all just being able to see and count the number of squares? |
Tobias |
Posted - 08/03/2013 : 04:36:43 quote: Originally posted by Datamom
... Then the numbers increase going up the right edge and going to the left across the bottom, numbering the rows and columns. That's what I mean. And, although I have the ruler, I keep forgetting how many rows and columns I have while working on my chart because those numbers aren't there. ...
This is obviously a late reply but one semi-solution is to create your entire pattern in PCStitch, then select the entire pattern and rotate it 180 degrees, that is turn it upside down. Now the numbering is almost the way you want it except the pattern is upside down, or the numbers are upside down when you print it.
------------- Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? |
Dragonlair |
Posted - 07/26/2012 : 08:59:23 I can't help with the freezing problem. You may need to contact Mark on that issue.
As for the stitches/inches situation - remember that PCStitch can be used for any craft with designs represented in graphs. However, you have to determine how each "block" is interpreted and in most cases, the standard lengths may not have meaning in your craft. If not, ignore them and substitute mentally those that do make sense. You can explain in the instruction portion of the pattern.
Diane There is no such thing as a stupid question
WolfMoon67 |
Posted - 07/26/2012 : 08:10:57 Hello I am a newbie with the forum and software PC Stitch 10. I would like to crochet a graphaghan. I'm having trouble setting up for single crochet stitches or inches. I know the size afghan that I would like to have 46"w x 64"H. Also I'm have trouble with the program freezing say (not responding). Any help that I can receive would be grateful  |
Datamom |
Posted - 07/22/2012 : 23:39:34 I don't understand. When crocheting from a chart, Row 1/Column 1 is numbered in the lower right corner. Then the numbers increase going up the right edge and going to the left across the bottom, numbering the rows and columns. That's what I mean. And, although I have the ruler, I keep forgetting how many rows and columns I have while working on my chart because those numbers aren't there. Am I making my question clear? |
Dragonlair |
Posted - 07/22/2012 : 22:13:35 Are you saying you want to see the count from the lower right corner? I'm afraid that's not possible. Adding rows/columns to the bottom and to the right are simply by knowing how many rows/columns you have and specify to add the new area starting from that point.
Diane There is no such thing as a stupid question
Datamom |
Posted - 07/22/2012 : 21:22:20 I am using PCStitch 7 to create graphghans and I can't figure out how to add the st/row count starting in the lower right corner. Is there a way to do this? |
Dragonlair |
Posted - 06/22/2012 : 09:43:57 That's exactly what you need to do. Forget printing - just go by the image. You want the image to be the same number of pixels as you want to do the final stitching (whatever the count). You want one pixel / stitch for the best imports and then you still have to do some tweaking because the computer sees colors differently than you do and you don't get what you want the first try.
Diane There is no such thing as a stupid question
janquito |
Posted - 06/22/2012 : 09:40:27 Believe it or not, I think I've got it! I went back into the pictures that I'd scanned, went into the pattern properties and changed the cloth count to the numbers of stitches per inch. Is that correct? It, in my mind, looks right. Oh I'm so happy, I'm really happy, now I can start the baby afghan!! Yeah!!! *Doing my happy dance* 
God gave me my hands, they are my life. |
janquito |
Posted - 06/22/2012 : 09:12:03 Okay, what is the difference with the resolution being DPI to pixels? I know that DPI is dots per inch so I think I'd figure out how many stitches per inch? So if it says the yarn swatch is a 4 x 4 and the stitches in that swatch is 22 so I'd divide the 22 by 4 to see how many stitches are in an inch and then put that amount for the dpi? But I wouldn't be able to do that for the rows. I hope I'm not sounding like a real duh. Is there someplace you can point me to to help me figure this out? I never had a problem doing this before. I guess that's why it is making me go crazy. 
God gave me my hands, they are my life. |